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Stages Of Development - Prenatal Period, Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence.

Stages Of Development-
Prenatal Period, Infancy, Childhood and Adolescence. 
Stages Of Development (বিকাশৰ স্তৰ)
All children progress in a definite order through these stages and they all follow similar basic patterns.
      Stage    -   Time frame
Prenatal Period - Before Birth
Infancy -  Birth To 2 Years
Childhood - 2 - 12 Years
  • Early Childhood    2 - 6 Years
  • Later Childhood    7 - 11 Years
Adolescence      -  12 - 18 Years
(Adulthood  21 - 40 Years, Middle Age 40 - 60 Years, Old Age 60 Years +)
Prenatal Period - (40 Weeks)
Life begins at the time of conception.
When the child is in the mother’s womb the particular period spent there is known as the prenatal period.
All important external and internal feelings start to develop at this stage.
Infancy - শৈশৱ কাল (Birth to 2 years)
From birth up to the second year of life, the stage is known as infancy.
Babies grow very rapidly in size during their first two years.
The acquisition of motor skills like holding things, crawling, walking proceeds from simple to complex.
Important Point -
  • Senses are Teachers.
  • Language development (Start).
  • Animism.
  • Motor skills development.
  • (Play Toys)
Early Childhood - আগতীয়া বাল্যকাল (2 - 6 Years)
The growth in height is not as rapid during this stage as it is in infancy.
Children improve eye, hand and small muscle coordination. For example, they can draw a circle, button and unbutton clothes, and
Language development is rapid in this stage.
Important Point -
  • Pre-school-age/Play School.
  • Toy-age/Play age.
  • Self-centric/Egocentric.
  • Observe the behaviour of others.
LATER Childhood - শেহতীয়া বাল্যকাল  (7 - 11 Years)
Between the age of 6 to 12 years look much taller and thinner.
Children exhibit rapid gains in strength and swiftness.
They achieve new motor skills and their competence becomes more pronounced in all areas of development.
Important Point -
  • School-age/Elementary School-age. (Traditional school)
  • Troublesome age.
  • Gang age.
  • Play with Peer group.
  • Creativity.
  • (Experience of this stage will influence throughout his/her life.)
Adolescence - কৈশোৰ কাল (12 - 18 Years)
The stage between childhood and adulthood.
This is the period of rapid physiological growth. Social, Biological, and Personal change.
Children jump rope, bicycle, ride horses, dance and can handle in all possible games.
This is the most critical stage of life.
Important Point -
  • Social relationships become important.
  • Search for identity/Identity crisis.
  • Sex-role expectations.
  • Aggressive.
  • Abstract and Logical thinking.
  • “Stress and Strom” Stanley Hall.
Suggested video:-


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